Less House, More Purpose: Downsizing and Its Impact on Estate Planning

stack of rocks sculpture on a hill overlooking a wide mountain landscape

As values and priorities continuously shift across generations, so do the elements of what contributes to the pursuit of happiness. 而拥有一个大而令人印象深刻的房子在历史上是成功的象征, changing values suggest that leading a meaningful, purposeful life is the key to true happiness. 与你的客户精简对话可以提供价值,帮助你的客户实现他们的生活方式, 金融, 慈善目标.

Dr. 迈克尔·芬克, a well-known figure in wealth management and 金融 planning, 最近在标准差播客上探讨了退休幸福的话题. His research uncovered three key pillars of happiness, which surprisingly did not revolve around the type, 大小, 或者一个人家的位置. 而不是, 他们以健康为中心, 社会关系, and having and enough money to enable the other two.

芬克的发现与 马斯洛需求层次理论. 避难所, 个人安全, 财产都被安置在生理需求和安全需求这两个底层. 它们是基本元素, 但这不是达到人类满足的高度的手段. 而不是, 更高层次的归属感, 爱, 成就感是通过经历和人际关系获得的.


If the key to happiness lies within 社会关系 and experiences, 为什么传统的美国梦如此看重一个人的家的大小和位置? 也许是因为, 从历史上看, a home was a gathering place for multiple generations of family, fostering connection and serving as a symbol of esteem. 今天,这种情况并不常见. 然而,, 我们被困住了,需要改变, 随着分散, 现代家庭仍然优先考虑一个没有人在里面的大房子,这可以使空间有目的和物有所值.

对于现代家庭来说,多余的未使用或被遗忘的物品往往与房屋过大相伴而来. 尽管我们倾向于把有意义的记忆附加到我们收集的东西上, 如果家里堆满了东西, these are equally unlikely to contribute to life satisfaction. Memories exist in our minds, not in our homes. Research within a younger demographic confirms 这个想法认为东西——一个家, 家具, a collection of Star Wars bobbleheads–in isolation, 不给我们带来幸福吗. It’s whether these possessions connect us with others that bring us joy. 然而, 正是这些未被充分利用或被遗忘的财产,可能是为你的客户提供慈善捐赠解决方案的关键.


现在是时候质疑这种想法了,即大多数年轻人的预期路径应该包括一个终身升级的初始住宅. While there is the opportunity of home equity, it is often at the sacrifice of other higher-order needs. In the current housing environment, 美国人平均要把收入的三分之一或更多的钱花在最低需求上避难所. This seems out of alignment with what makes humans feel fulfilled.

In conjunction with the changing emphasis of how income is allocated, incorporating purpose into 金融 planning across life-path, 投资组合, and giving strategies is becoming increasingly important. 千禧一代,有时被称为“目标一代”, 继续增加它的力量影响力和财富. 千禧一代绝大多数 want to have an impact in all aspects of their lives 并且意识到他们如何为对他们重要的事业做出贡献. 他们正在从优先所有权转变为激励的崛起 资源共享 like Uber, Airbnb, and co-working spaces.

另一个需要考虑的相关问题是,作为金融专业人士,我们为什么不挑战那些把住在家里放在首位的老年客户. 社会孤立和孤独与认知和身体健康危机有关 这会侵蚀客户的财富. The alternative doesn’t have to be an independent living facility, though that is certainly a good fit for many. 还有许多其他创造性的生活安排可以促进社会联系和合作. 与你的老客户开诚布公地谈论裁员和向慈善机构捐赠资产的好处,可能是帮助他们实现个人和慈善目标的答案, unburdening themselves from the cost of home ownership, 汽车, 以及其他可以极大地有利于他们所热衷的事业的物质财富.

当我父亲在两次严重中风后去世时,我亲眼目睹了裁员的好处. 我帮母亲清理了将近40年积累的财产,把她的房子卖出去了. Selling her home opened up new opportunities. Downsizing freed her from the burdens of home maintenance and loneliness. 今天,她 co-houses 和她姐姐在一起, shares caregiving responsibilities for disabled family members, volunteers for groups she believes in, and has the key connections that fuel good mental and physical health.

Another creative solution gaining momentum is the tiny house movement, of which I am a passionate advocate. 小型生活社区 are sprouting up throughout the country, creating spaces and resources that promote health and 社会关系. Tiny homes cost about one third of the national average home, require less maintenance and 能源, and free up resources for people and experiences. Tiny living shifts the focus away from materialism to intentionality, creating space for purpose and meaningful connections.

Unlocking Lifetime Fulfillment and Impact

有许多令人信服的理由鼓励你所有年龄段的客户将他们宝贵的资源分配给有意义的追求,而不是维护消耗资源的大房子, isolate them from vital social interactions, and divert 注意 from purpose-driven activities. 然而, we must think outside the box when planning a down大小, as so much of the home-building industry is stuck in a McMansion romance.

When your clients are ready to have a downsizing conversation, 他们可能会惊讶地发现,大量的实物财产可以捐赠给他们所关心的组织. 房地产礼品, 汽车, 艺术收藏, 酒, and so much more are often accepted by charities, 让你的客户在他们的个人生活空间中感到满足,同时对他们所热衷的事业产生持久的影响.

You can help your clients embrace downsizing in all aspects of life, encouraging them to focus their time, 能源, 注意, 将财富用于慈善事业,以及他们的整体健康和有意义的生活.



Laura Lynch, CFP®, ABFP™, AAMS®, CDFA®

劳拉在财务规划行业拥有多年的经验,并在帮助客户驾驭复杂的个人理财世界方面磨练了她的专业知识. Her focus on alternative living arrangements, particularly building and buying tiny homes, 允许她为那些通过缩小房屋规模和采用非常规手段寻求财务自由的人提供专业指导.

劳拉的小房子生活之旅始于她自己对财务自由的追求,以及对与她的价值观一致的生活的渴望. 在经历了传统住房的情感和经济负担之后, 她和她的搭档埃里克开始了建造他们自己的小房子的旅程, finding peace and liberation in their alternative living arrangement.